clinical consultation 

 Many bilingual clinicians do not receive training to deliver services in their family tongue or an acquired language other than English.  For many of us, we can experience feelings of inadequacy and insecurity in our work despite having the added benefit of having a wealth of knowledge from our multiple languages and cultural frameworks.   

You might also be curious about working with children and their respective grown-ups in playful ways that develop closeness and cohesion.  This work can and should be fun!  Therapists can infuse creativity, movement, art, and play in their work to intentionally help their clients and reduce individual burnout.

I provide consultation to support clinicians and agencies to incorporate themes of cultural and linguistic diversity in a systemic framework.  

trainings & themes

Mental Health across Developmental Stages
Playful Interventions in Family Therapy
Intentional Use of Media in Family Therapy
Culturally and linguistically-informed therapy
Staff Wellness
Trauma-informed leadership